Chicks’ first adult food!

Our friend Mi-Hyun came to visit us and the chicks. She not only brought beer, cake, and made us delicious Korean savory pancakes as a part of dinner, but she also brought treats for the chicks! (Other guests: take note of all of the above!).

With our encouragement the chicks tried some yummy greens, including dandelion. It was their first attempt at non chick-starter-feed food.


The chicks did OK. They were excited and interested in the greens for a bit, taking nibbles and especially trying to keep theirs away from others (a version of the amazingly entertaining [and loud] “feather keep-away game” they play), but then they lost interest. A pretty good first attempt! We will try again soon with the left over greens. Thanks Mi-Hyun!

In other news, the coop is looking amazing. Shelly and Marc Sinicrope have been working away, and it is beautifully covered in cedar shingles. A total chick palace. Photos soon. Once the run is ready (?) the chicks will move outside!